Master 发表于 2020-8-4 10:16:06

Asuswrt-Merlin v384.19_beta1

Asuswrt-Merlin 384/NG Changelog

384.19 (xx-xxx-2020)
- NOTE: The RT-AX56U build is not available for this release.
- NEW: Added support for static routes for PPTP/L2TP VPN clients, on the Static Route page (themiron)
- NEW: Added notification when jffs free space drops below 3 MB.
- UPDATED: Merged GPL 384_9354 for AX models.
- UPDATED: Merged GPL 384_81992 for mainline models.
- UPDATED: Merged SDK + binary blobs 384_9354 for RT-AX58U.
- UPDATED: Merged SDK + binary blobs 384_9107 for RT_AX88U.
- UPDATED: Merged binary blobs + SDK 384_81981 for RT_AC5300.
- UPDATED: Merged binary blobs + SDK 384_81992 for RT-AC86U.
- UPDATED: Merged bwdpi components from 385_20630 firmware image for RT-AC68U.
- UPDATED: dnsmasq to 2.82-openssl (themiron)
- CHANGED: Rewrote a large portion of the OpenVPN implementation, to make the code easier to maintain.Functionality should largely remain the same.
- CHANGED: Replaced updown-*.sh OpenVPN event handler scripts with binary libovpn functions. Should only affect people who were overwriting the original event handler with their own.
- CHANGED: Enabling Client Config Dir (ccd) for an OpenVPN server in non-exclusive mode will no longer accept duplicate common names (to prevent issues with two clients trying to share the same settings). If you need such an unusual setup, you should enable "Username/Password auth only", which will make the common name become the username.Or better, ensure that you have unique certificates for all of your users.
- CHANGED: Removed the (undocumented) vpn_debug setting.Debug logging will now only come from OpenVPN itself (through the log verbosity setting).
- CHANGED: Improved mechanism for providing an available mount point for addon API scripters (dave14305)
- CHANGED: Harmonized the various SSL certificate modes with upstream.
             0-None - will be self-generated
             1-Imported - lets you upload your own (no longer self generated unless you don't upload one)
             2-Let's Encrypt (unchanged)
             Self-generated cert will be stored to /jffs/cert.tgz, just like upstream.
- FIXED: Broken French webui on AX models (fixed with Asus's GPL update)
- FIXED: Chacha20 wasn't prioritized for bcm675x models which lacked AES acceleration (RT-AX56U and RT-AX58U)
- FIXED: ddns updates and OpenVPN instances might be launched twice at boot time if the initial ntp clock sync happened too fast.
- FIXED: Enforced DNS and tQoS fix would be lost when the firewall gets restarted while an OpenVPN client is running.
- FIXED: Various issues surrounding error state report when an OpenVPN client failed to start properly.
- FIXED: WINS provided by an OpenVPN server weren't properly used.

* RT-AC66U_B1 (use the RT-AC68U firmware)
* RT-AC68U, RT-AC68P, RT-AC68UF (including HW revision C1 and E1)
* RT-AC1900 & RT-AC1900P (use the RT-AC68U firmware)
* RT-AC3100
* RT-AC5300
* RT-AC86U
* RT-AC88U
* RT-AC2900 (use the RT-AC86U firmware)* RT-AX88U
* RT-AX58U & RT-AX3000


提取码: **** Hidden Message *****

manhanton 发表于 2020-8-4 10:43:56


快乐风云 发表于 2020-8-4 15:13:11


hzwp 发表于 2020-8-4 21:18:26


lg2200a 发表于 2020-8-4 21:56:29


uc111296 发表于 2020-8-5 13:52:58


lzqzzzj 发表于 2020-8-5 21:07:49

看看看看看看你看看 谢谢谢谢

lianyungang 发表于 2020-8-6 11:13:28


zp31882 发表于 2020-8-6 15:45:58


172879336 发表于 2020-8-6 20:31:06

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查看完整版本: Asuswrt-Merlin v384.19_beta1