Master 发表于 2017-8-8 13:47:43

Asuswrt-Merlin 380.68 Alpha 2(7-August-2017 Update)

Asuswrt-Merlin Changelog

380.68 Beta (xx-xxx-2017)
- IMPORTANT: due to major webui changes, you will need to either flush your browser cache, or force it to reload the page (shift-reload) the first time you access the webui after upgrading to 380.68.
- NEW: Backported Ethernet port status report from GPL 382.
- NEW: Merged GPL 380_7743 binary blobs for the RT-N66U.
- NEW: Description field added to OpenVPN client configuration
- NEW: Added missing hash types to ipset_arm (Patch by john9527)
- NEW: Added hostname Busybox applet, used by some Entware packages
- CHANGED: Updated Curl to 7.54.1
- CHANGED: Switched webui menu generation code to GPL 382 code. This new code is easier for me to maintain.
- CHANGED: Used webui menu icons from GPL 382.
- CHANGED: Make VPNStatus page refresh itself every 5 seconds.
- CHANGED: Do not alternate between ntp server from webui and the one hardcoded in nvram - use webui one, unless it's empty - then use the second server set in nvram.
- CHANGED: Moved App icon out of the notification area and into the footer of the page, with other links.
- CHANGED: Re-organized VPN pages, merging some together.
- CHANGED: Re-designed webui interface for managing SSL certificate.Added Upload button, and revamped certificate info display (includes some backports from GPL 382)
- CHANGED: Removed option to enable/disable persistent webui certificate - they are now always persistent.
- CHANGED: Reworked Tools -> Sysinfo page, dynamic data will refresh itself every 3 seconds, also port ordering will be more consistent.
- CHANGED: Re-designed the way the Tor database gets backed up, so it won't grow stale by never being updated.
- FIXED: Duplicate LAN port 1 shown for the RT-AC87U on the Sysinfo page.
- FIXED: Port forward/UPNP issues with CTF enabled depending on selected NAT loopback mode.
- FIXED: URL filtering wasn't working over IPv4.
- FIXED: OpenVPN instances could potentially start too early at boot time (before clock was set)
- FIXED: Security issues CVE-2017-11344, CVE-2017-11345 and CVE-2017-11420 in networkmap (patches by Kilo Foxtrot Papa)
- FIXED: Webui self-generated certificate could sometime be invalid due to a race condition between the SSL and non-SSL httpd instances starting at the same time.
- FIXED: Tor would fail to start if there was a backed up database in /jffs/.tordb, due to bad permissions.
- FIXED: When multiple OpenVPN clients are connected to the router, their username wouldn't show as Connected.


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frankjoy 发表于 2017-8-8 14:35:12


lianyungang 发表于 2017-8-8 17:04:52


kira1988 发表于 2017-8-8 17:38:42


topsite 发表于 2017-8-8 19:55:34


Exclave 发表于 2017-8-9 00:15:18

ios 更新 10.3.3之后,WIFI简直就是要人命,卡顿不停

lianyungang 发表于 2017-8-9 16:48:35

Exclave 发表于 2017-8-9 00:15
ios 更新 10.3.3之后,WIFI简直就是要人命,卡顿不停


hejinjingdong 发表于 2017-8-9 22:57:28

xiazai shishikan

166177188 发表于 2017-8-10 17:24:46


evilhch 发表于 2017-8-10 18:52:29

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查看完整版本: Asuswrt-Merlin 380.68 Alpha 2(7-August-2017 Update)